Executive Matchmaking

Dr Georgina Barnett on how to Set goals!

Dr Georgina Barnett on how to Set goals!

Take steps towards your goals every day and take a positive stance in the face of any set-backs. Remember the most successful people in relationships are the ones who are proactive, aware and positive in their approach, whether this is to find a partner or to create a magical relationship. As the old adage goes ‘true love isn’t found, it’s built’.

Love in Art – Our 10 favourite paintings

Love in Art – Our 10 favourite paintings

“Love gives wings” they say and we agree. There is a particular feeling of lightness that comes alongside love. When we are in love, we feel like our bodies are floating in the air enjoying the moment despite the potential dangers.

The Hazards of Pornography

The Hazards of Pornography

Many individuals attribute initial interest in porn to curiosity about sex. There is nothing wrong with being curious about one of the fundamentals of our nature – sexuality. However, it is wrong to learn about it from scripted, filtered and exaggerated videos.

Let’s just be friends: An honest appraisal of post-breakup friendships.

Let’s just be friends: An honest appraisal of post-breakup friendships.

Once enough time has passed and you feel ready to begin a platonic relationship with an ex, there are relational variables that should be considered. Unsurprisingly, a mutual breakup and friendship prior to romantic involvement are indicative of a successful PBF.

The forgotten art of courtship – putting the purpose back into dating

The forgotten art of courtship – putting the purpose back into dating

Courtship has always had as its aim the proper selection of one’s partner for life and sufficient time and occasion was given to ensuring a potential spouse’s suitability.

Tereza Burki's lies in the Daily Mail

Tereza Burki's lies in the Daily Mail

The Daily Mail wrote “For a hugely bright private wealth consultant who has racked up goodness knows how many millions of pounds for her well-heeled clients over the years”. However, Tereza Burki (Bulgarian national) informed us she is unemployed, with 3 children from 3 different men, and when previously checked on Companies House website and her business REGERI LTD, it showed that it had a £884 turnover for the two past consecutive years.