Muslim Matchmaking - Our Exclusive Review of the Dating Scene

By Aida Abdi 

With Muslim matchmaking becoming increasingly popular, we will explore the basic values, traditions and approach to modern dating within the Muslim community.

Arrangements VS Matchmaking?

Is it just me, or are the two supposedly different concepts actually quite similar to one another? The former is very traditional, practised over the centuries and the latter is a modern approach to the world of contemporary dating. Apart from this, there isn’t much more of a difference, except that the former is usually community-based, with families approaching an individual with a potential suitor whereas the latter is an organised practice with professionals such as Matchmaking Specialists doing the searching and the finding. Talk about a modern twist to a historic practice, many Muslims seem to be happy with the latter, adopting the approach as it gives access to many potential suitors at one time, providing the freedom and greater opportunities to meet like-minded individuals more efficiently and on a global scale; different approaches, same principle. A great way to modern dating whilst upholding tradition.

The Elite

The importance of career, wealth and success is increasing for both men and women; for this reason, the majority of career-focused individuals spend 70% of their time working and only 30% of their time socialising (hence the revolution of Seventy Thirty). This applies to the Muslim community also; many affluent men and women seek a match similar in status, goals and background. Therefore, since their personal time is so precious, exclusive matchmaking agencies create the perfect platform in restoring this balance and helping you find your ‘equal’ match.

Freedom and Privacy

Traditional approaches are still practised in many societies and in the Western world, the process and experience of it all can sometimes feel a bit daunting and overwhelming, especially in the Muslim culture as family and communities can be very involved. Online services such as dating sites or exclusive matchmaking agencies can offer individuals the freedom and privacy to search for their ideal match, without being under the watchful eye of a protective parent or prying neighbour.

Agency Advantage

As Muslim online dating is becoming increasingly popular, there is a vastly growing number of dating sites dedicated to Muslims however, the question is, which is the right one for you? Many dating sites, to an extent, can offer individuals freedom to search and privacy whilst doing so. Nevertheless, many are turning away from online dating and others simply do not feel that they can put themselves on an online dating site. Matchmaking agencies offer a safer and more effective approach, eliminating any danger of online dating as they personally meet all Members and issue confidentiality agreements.

Dating Culture & Goals

For most of our Muslim clients, the goal is marriage and family. ‘Flings’, experimenting or short-term relationships are not part of the values or ethics of Muslim culture. Values and ethics such as self-preservation, protection and discipline are highly regarded. However, as many are moving away from the traditional approach of matchmaking arrangements, they are exploring other appropriate avenues that don’t conflict with their culture or ethics as a Muslim. Matchmaking agencies carefully assess each member and take into account an individual’s values, relationship goals and background to name the least, aiming to find compatible partnerships and ensuring no culture clash.

Muslim Matchmaking is a very fast growing industry, with many professional men and women joining Exclusive Matchmaking agencies to find their ideal partner. Seventy Thirty’s Muslim Members are often very prominent people, leading contemporary lifestyles with traditional cultural and religious values at their personal level of observance. Balance is key; they want to find someone who appreciates that those traditional values and beliefs can exist harmoniously in a modern world.